Tombstone is the favorite robot to win on ABC’s Season 1 of BattleBots. Tombstone’s popularity and success have a lot to do with Tombstone’s builder, Ray Billings of Hardcore Robotics. On the show, Billings was painted as the villain throughout the season but he doesn’t mind.
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When asked about his villainous role on Battlebots during a recent AMA session on Reddit, Billings wrote: “They needed someone with enough attitude to pull off the villain role, and apparently I was voted most likely. And once I got used to it, I’m ok with it all.” Billings is so ok with it that he hopes to play the villain on BattleBots Season 2, if there is one. The champion of ABC’s BattleBots will be announced on July 26, 9pm. Tombstone first has to beat Bronco before facing the winner of Bite Force vs. Ghost Raptor in the finals.