Lifetime’s new show Preach follows the lives of four prophetesses — Taketa Williams, Linda Roark, Kelly Crews and Belinda Scott. They all believe God has given them special powers “to heal the sick, see the future, and strip people of addictions.” And they all are unique. Taketa Williams uses a powerful old school approach to preaching. She takes loud heavy breaths in between sentences for dramatic effect.
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With her husband Apostle Roderick A. Williams, Taketa leads her Christian Television Ministry called “Exousia” every Saturday morning at 10:30am on the Word Network. Like fellow prophetess Kelly Crews, Taketa is also an author of several books including 50 Days Until Revival, My Cup Runs Over, Scriptures For Everyday Living, I Can See Clearly Now, and I Made It Out On Broken Pieces: From A Broken Piece To A Masterpiece,. She’s also a radio show host on Radio1000. Taketa’s motto is (capital letters intentional): “I AM THE BOMB THAT’S ABOUT TO BLOW UP, BOOM.” Followers can buy BOOM t-shirts on her website. Preach premieres June 5 at 10pm on Lifetime.