On Lifetime’s new show Preach, the lives of four prophetesses are followed. Taketa Williams, Linda Roark, Kelly Crews and Belinda Scott all believe God has given them special powers to heal the sick, see the future, and rid people of addictions. In the show premiere, “the ladies test their protégés at a wild church service.”
[Who Is Taketa Williams on Lifetime’s ‘Preach’? BOOM!]
Kelly Crews is one multi-talented prophetess. She’s a singer, writer and radio show host. Her single I’m Alive is being released the same day as the premiere of Preach. Whether that’s God’s timing or her own, doesn’t really matter. The shelf of books she written includes Maximize Your Life, The Favor Principle, You’re Priceless, and I Thought He REALLY Liked/Loved Me! What Happened? You can hear Crews talk serious inspiration on WCCD on “Walk on Purpose.” Preach premieres on Friday, June 5 at 10pm on Lifetime.