Judy Shalom Nir-Mozes proved racism is alive and well in places other than America. Take Israel, “America’s friend in the Middle East.” Radio host Judy Mozes is married (for now) to Israel’s Interior Minister, Silvan Shalom. Last week she made a “joke” on Twitter, that asked: “Do you know what Obama Coffee is? Black and weak.”
Good one, Judy. Must have been thinking that one up for weeks. The tweet has been erased, of course. Mozes apologized, seemingly concerned that her transgression was great enough to threaten her marriage (see below). Mozes apologized, saying she likes all people, “no matter about their race and religion.”
This is the wife of the Israeli Interior Minister pic.twitter.com/qazwM8altJ
— Tom Gara (@tomgara) June 21, 2015
Sorry if I caused any offence to anyone. I hope I will stay married when my husband will land and hear what I did.
— Judy Mozes (@JudyMozes) June 21, 2015