Justin Crowe is an artist. He’s an artist with a sense of humor–and a very sharp eye on our contemporary foibles and conundrums. Crowe believes “our resources are so new and advancing so rapidly that we are in the midst of an awkward digital-age puberty.” So he creates “art to help our civilization of confused 13-year-olds think about what is happening so we can…you know… learn to control our technology boners.”
One of those boners is the selfie, no doubt. Like the boners of a 13-year-old, the selfie is something we can’t seem to control: it happens everywhere, the result is rarely good and too often just seems sort of sad and wasteful. For the sad and lonesome cry-for-authenticity that is the selfie, Crowe has teamed with Aric Snee to create the Selfie Arm. It makes you look less alone when you’re alone. Or at least makes you think about how ridiculous the whole selfie thing is… Follow Crowe, he’s like a good balanced diet for the mind in an age of gluttony.