After his romance ended with actress Michelle Rodriguez, High School Musical star Zac Efron has moved on. He’s dating a blond by the name of Sami Miró. She’s a fashion stylist with close ties to the music industry. She’s friends with singer Marc E Bassy and allegedly worked on HAIM’s My Song 5 video featuring A$AP Ferg.
Miró keeps a low profile on Twitter. Although Efron joined in 2010, she’s only tweeted eight times. On September 13, 2013, she tweeted “I LOVE SCIENCE FRIDAY #NPR.” Topics of the day included “World’s Largest Volcano Discovered on Pacific Seafloor” and “Food Failures: When Home Canning Goes Wrong.” She’s been known to cook for Efron, so maybe it was the latter segment that got her in an ALL CAPS mood.