The sweet comedy drama Gilmore Girls, about single mom Lorelai raising her smart daughter Rory in a sweet small fictional town in Connecticut has just been picked up by Netflix. Its fast-paced dialogue–filled with pop culture references to music, films, celebrities–and its witty wordplay made Gilmore Girls a classic. For example, Lorelai named her dog Paul Anka — then the singer appeared in one of Lorelai’s dreams in Season 6. Gilmore Girls was meta like that.
On October 1, 2014, all seven seasons of Gilmore Girls will begin streaming on Netflix’s “Watch Instantly” service. After that healthy dose of binge watching, you can proceed to the bookstore to buy (or to the library to borrow) the four young adult novels that have been adapted from some of the episodes. Each narrative is told from Rory’s first-person point of view. You’re not really a Gilmore Girls fan until you’ve read “I Love You, You Idiot.” Or for those who prefer unauthorized, non-fiction: “Coffee At Luke’s: An Unauthorized Gilmore Girls Gab Fest.”