A third of Americans aged 18 to 34 now live with their parents. (In 1983, 29 percent of US adults under 35 still lived at home.) And, not surprisingly, most are single. The average age for getting married in the US is 26.9 for women and 29.8 for men.
Marriages hit a low of just 50.8 percent among adults 18 and over, compared with 57 percent in 2000. Among young adults 25-34, marriage was at 43.1 percent, also a new low. Apparently, where you live is a significant indicator in how old you’ll be when you say “I do.” Idaho has the lowest mean age at marriage (23) while the District of Columbia has the highest (29). Elsewhere, Nordic countries and Western Europe rank among the highest (above 30 years). Afghanistan has one of the lowest — 20 years.