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2paragraphs.com is a digital-first news publisher hosted on the open web, also publishing news content through established channels on platforms such as YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Flipboard.
2paragraphs publishes news on entertainment, TV, sports, culture, celebrity, fashion, and consumer trends and products. 2paragraphs features original reporting focused on accuracy, depth and context. 2paragraphs is independent, trusted, not politically affiliated. For more information, please write to us at [email protected].
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2paragraphs promotes the 2paragraph form: concise communication, respecting readers’ time and intelligence. email: [email protected]
Seth Connell
Mary Fichter
Mary Fichter is a founding editor at 2paragraphs.com where she covers arts, business, and culture. She previously held Director of Marketing and Communications positions for several national non-profits and the ad giant Ogilvy. Mary graduated from Purdue University and has an MFA from Sarah Lawrence College. maryfichter (at) 2paragraphs.com.
Joseph Mackin
Joseph Mackin is a co-founder and senior editor at 2paragraphs.com. He was the original Internet Editor of The Paris Review, under the direction of George Plimpton, and is the author of the novel Pretend All Your Life. [email protected]
Aurora DeStefano
Aurora DeStefano covers politics and culture. She tries to see all sides of an issue and often uses a pseudonym. "The future will prevail."
Patrick Barrett
Patrick Barrett is a contributing editor at 2Paragraphs. His play, Follow Me Down, was given its World Premiere at The Flea Theater in New York City in 2010. email: patrickbarrett4 (at) gmail.com
Phillip Kolb
Phillip Kolb covers Trump 2.0 with a concentration on MAGA objectives and alliances. pkolb (at) 2paragraphs.com
a 2paragraphs Selection
2paragraphs selections are usually products we like and think you might like. We don't get any compensatioin for selecting them, but if you buy something through one of our links we may receive a bonus. Please always let us know what you think! email: [email protected]
2paragraphs Sponsor
2paragraphs Sponsored is content where a brand helped us cover the costs of creating it. We promise we won't sponsor anything we don't think is cool and worthwhile. And we mean it. Please always let us know what you think! email: [email protected]
Allison Havey
Allison Havey is the Co-Founder of The RAP Project, or Raising Awareness and Prevention Project, which promotes awareness for teenagers negotiating social media and its influence on attitudes and expectations. We openly discuss mutual respect, mutual consent and try to marry hard facts with humor and experience. Since 2012, the RAP Project has reached over 40,000 students and is now in over 150 schools throughout the UK.
American Retro Bar and Grill NYC
The American Retro Bar & Grill is located in Hell's Kitchen in New York City. (11th Avenue between 50th and 51st Streets.) Good drinks. Good food. Good people. Good fun. 212.245.2203
Andrea Jones
Andrea Jones is a museum educator specializing in U.S. History. She resides in Washington, DC.
Andrea Privitera
After being diagnosed with Crohn's Disease 7 years ago and mistreated by physicians, I took a path down the Holistic road and finally became well. I have since received my certification as a Holistic Health Coach, my Yoga Certification and Whole Foods Cooking. I live with my three children; three-year-old twin boys and an eight-year-old daughter, along with four dogs and my very busy husband.
Andrew Madigan
Andrew Madigan lived in the Emirates for 8 years researching and writing Khawla’s Wall. He’s also lived in Tokyo, South Korea, the UK, Okinawa, New York, St. Louis and exotic Northwest Ohio. For many years he was a university professor and magazine editor, but he’s also been a janitor, pizza delivery man, lifeguard, coach, bouncer, construction worker, turf-Zamboni driver, substitute teacher, swimming instructor, Bill Murray’s body double, voice-over artist, sandwich-board carrier, and factotum at a Catholic rectory. His work has appeared in The Believer, The Iowa Review, The North American Review, The London Magazine and The New Haven Review. As a teenager he excelled on a TV quiz show; now he enjoys drinking absinthe and collecting records. Andrew is currently a freelance writer living in the Washington, DC area with his wife and three daughters.
Ann Lucrecia Roberts
I was raised in Guatemala and moved to Montreux, Switzerland as a young adult. There I fell in love with "El Mundo del Vino" (The Wine World) in all the countries nearby: France, Italy, Spain, Germany and Austria. Lived in London, UK in 1999 where my daughter was born. In 2000 crossed the ocean and moved to San Francisco, CA. Dedicated myself fully to my daughter the first 10 years of her life, in 2010 I've decided to go back to study at San Francisco State University, finishing Event Planning and Introduction to Hospitality Management. While studying at SF State I took a phenomenal class called "Wine, Food and Culture and California" by Dr Collin Johnson. This encouraged me to do the British Certification WSET Wine and Spirits Education Trust. In 2011 I became the Wine Director and Sommelier at Hotel Drisco in Pacific Heights in San Francisco, changing the whole dynamic at the Wine Reception held daily by doing wine and sparkling wine comparisons with 2 same grape varitals from 2 different countries for the reds and the same for the whites. Introduced Port as well. In 2013 I created my website and Social Media Domain: "Lucre's Wine World" on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google +, YouTube and Tumblr where I am interviewing, doing write-ups and making short documentaries of Winemakers, Wineries, Wine tastings, everything that crosses my wine path. Recently I've started to write about my experiences visiting restaurants in San Francisco. As of this day I am blessed to have around 9,000 followers.
Anna Leahy
Anna Leahy's work has appeared recently in The Huffington Post, The Pinch, and The Southern Review. Her book Constituents of Matter won the Wick Poetry Prize. She co-writes Lofty Ambitions blog and is writing a nonfiction book with her husband about the end of the space shuttle program.
Anthony Brown
Anthony Brown is a freelance writer and lifelong Redskins fan. He has first hand memories of Sonny Jurgensen touchdown passes to Bobby Mitchell, Charley Taylor and Angelo Coia. Anthony has a twenty-year background as a sales executive with the world’s largest computer technology company. He has gathered insights from many executives about success and failure in business operations and he uses those lessons to analyze moves by the Redskins.
Anthony DeMarco
Anthony DeMarco is Vice-President of the Lancaster Barnstormers. He's a terrific, tireless, multi-talented man.
Ariel Adkins
Founder of Artfully Awear, a personal style blog and series of workshops geared at dovetailing art and fashion, Ariel Maile Adkins expresses her artistic obsession from head to shoes. Follow her masterpiece at artfullyawear.com and @artfullyawear.
Ashley Malafronte
Ashley Malafronte is a writer focusing on theater, entertainment, books, music and whatever else stirs her imagination. Follow her on Twitter at the Melville-approved: @CallMeAshMal
Bethany Ball
Bethany Ball is a Detroit native living in New York. She recently received her MFA in writing from Sarah Lawrence College.
Brent Bushnell
--Brent Bushnell, CEO of Two Bit Circus, is a lifelong engineer and entrepreneur. Brent plays at making technology fun. Particular passions include group games, sensors, interactive art, graffiti, S.T.E.A.M. and inspiring kids to be inventors. He is the son of legendary inventor Nolan Bushnell.
Caitlin Crowther
Caitlin Crowther is a pop culture fiend who likes caramel popcorn, Netflix, hard up garage band guitarists (unfortunately), cushiony couches, some Marvel movies, most Lana Del Rey records, easy tech, Harry Styles (he's taller than you think) and old poems that rhyme. Caitlin does not like horseflies, viruses, slippers, corduroy, organ music or friends obsessing over old episodes of 'Friends' -- though she totally gets why people like 'Friends' she's still just like meh. Also, she's shy. ccrowther (at) 2paragraphs (dot) com.
Chris Collins
Chris Collins covers the latest show biz buzz and creates fun features on celebrities and rising stars. His focus is filmmakers, actors, digital content creators and more. Chris has an unfailing ear for good behind-the-scenes details on TV/Film/Digital projects.
Chris Timmons
Chris Timmons is a professional dishwasher, bird-watcher, and writes occasionally in between.
Claude Wooten
Claude Wooten is from Southern California, where he is a screenwriter and sometime ghostwriter. He writes about politics and the intersection culture with the business of entertainment.
Dale Peck
Dale Peck is a novelist and critic. He has--over the course of a long career--won awards, friends and enemies.
Damien Ciuccio
Damien Ciuccio is a student at SUNY Purchase College majoring in Literature. He hopes to attain a PhD and be a professor in the future.
Dan Blank
Dan Blank is the author of numerous soccer books and an NCAA Division 1 women's soccer coach.
Dan Miller
Dan Miller is a founding partner at Volume Music+Sound. He also tours and records with They Might Be Giants, with whom he won a Grammy. A damn good guitarist, he attended the Berklee School of Music and Brandeis University.
Daniel Freudberg
- Daniel Freudberg is a freelance writer based in Washington, DC.
Dr. Howard Bellin
Dr. Howard T. Bellin is a board-certified plastic surgeon in Manhattan. He has taught at Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center and at New York Medical College, and has been Chief of Plastic Surgery at Cabrini Medical Center. He has appeared on Oprah, Extra, CNN, MTV and 20/20, and been written about in The New York Times, People, Vogue, and other national publications. He attended Amherst College.
Dr. Suz
Dr. Suzanne Fuchs has a passion for nutrition, health and fitness. She aims to connect the dots between our overall health and the substances that go into our bodies on a daily basis. Dr. Fuchs currently practices foot and ankle medicine and surgery in New York City and Long Island, New York.
Dr. Zabikhulla S. Saipov
Zabikhulla Saipov is an independent Central Asian researcher with no political or institutional affiliation. The views are the author’s own. You may wish to follow him @ZabiSAIPOV
Eli Clifton
Eli Clifton is a reporting fellow with The Investigative Fund at The Nation Institute who focuses on money in politics and US foreign policy. He previously reported for the American Independent New Network, ThinkProgress, and Inter Press Service. Clifton is coauthor of the Center for American Progress's report "Fear Inc.: The Roots Of the Islamophobia Network In America." His work has appeared on PBS/Frontline's Tehran bureau, the South China Morning Post, Right Web, LobeLog, Salon, Huffington Post, the Daily Beast, Slate, Gawker, and ForeignPolicy.com. Eli holds a bachelor's degree from Bates College and a master's degree in international political economy from the London School of Economics.
Erik R. Scott
Erik R. Scott is Assistant Professor of Russian and Soviet History at the University of Kansas. His research explores migration, mobility, and diaspora within the imperial borders of Russia and Eurasia as well as in a broader global context. His manuscript, Familiar Strangers: The Georgian Diaspora and the Evolution of Soviet Empire is under contract at Oxford University Press.
Fred Delgado
Fred Delgado studied Integrated Business and Emerging Media at the University of Central Florida. He is interested in the intersection of entertainment, sports, and business.
Gab and Dad
Family team reviews the latest releases, with unique cross-generation dynamics. Informed and enthusiastic, here at 2paragraphs they take a paragraph each! Catch them on YouTube.
Gary Dek
Gary Dek is an Entrepreneur, Online Marketer, Investment Banker, and Private Equity Analyst.
Gayle Brandeis
Gayle Brandeis grew up in the Chicago area and has been writing poems and stories since she was four years old. She is the author of Fruitflesh: Seeds of Inspiration for Women Who Write (HarperOne), Dictionary Poems (Pudding House Publications), the novels The Book of Dead Birds (HarperCollins), which won Barbara Kingsolver's Bellwether Prize for Fiction in Support of a Literature of Social Change, Self Storage (Ballantine) and Delta Girls (Ballantine), and her first novel for young readers, My Life with the Lincolns (Holt). She released The Book of Live Wires, the sequel to The Book of Dead Birds, as an e-book in 2011.
Grant Williams
Grant Williams is the chief investment strategist for Mauldin Economics’ premium publication, Bull’s Eye Investor, as well as the author of the popular free investment letter, Things That Make You Go Hmmm…, Williams also acts as the portfolio and strategy advisor for Vulpes Investment Management in Singapore − a hedge fund running $250 million of largely partners’ capital across multiple strategies. Grant has 26 years of experience in finance in Asian, Australian, European, and US markets and has held senior positions at several international investment houses.
Haley Ferran
Haley Ferran works on her self and her sentences. She used to work at a Big Magazine, but then the Big Magazine fired everybody because TikTok people can't read -- and we are all TikTok people now. Still, Haley works on her sentences. She wanted to be Emily Bronte, but she has no sisters. Only brothers. It's OK. They're nice and her makeup was always where she left it. Also she writes stories. One day people will read them, she vows nightly. hferran (at) 2paragraphs (dot) com.
Hamish de Bretton-Gordon
Hamish de Bretton-Gordon, OBE, is the Managing Director CBRN at AVON Rubber PLC and Director of SecureBio, a CBRN consultancy headquartered in the UK. He is a former Commander of British Military CBRN Forces.
Hannah Bryan
Hannah Bryan is a marketing specialist based in Washington, D.C. who designs websites and writes on a freelance basis in her spare time. email: hannah.bryan329 (at) gmail.com
Harriet Kaplan
Harriet Kaplan has been a feature writer and music journalist for over 20 years. She has contributed to Music Connection Magazine, L.A. Reader, BAM Magazine, The L.A. Village View and now writes for two blogs: Punch Records andwww.blackonthecanvas.com. Harriet has a love and passion for interviewing bands and singers and finding out what makes them "tick" and getting the story! With a critical and fair eye, she has navigated the tricky waters of critical review watching numerous performances over the years and continues to bring new, fresh insights to every piece. Also as an entertainment "news" junkie, Harriet can be found combing the internet daily seeking out what is going on with the most current gossip or information on the flavor of the moment or most hounded media figure.
Harvey Freedenberg
Book reviewer and essayist Harvey Freedenberg is a retired intellectual property lawyer who writes for @BookPage, @Bookreporter, @ShelfAwareness, @TheBurgNews, @StarTribune, @2Paragraphs and others.
Hazel Kahan
–Hazel Kahan has a Ph.D. in psychology that led her to a career in market research which she “followed with what now seems a rather baffling dedication and intensity.” No longer for hire, she now lives in the woods, writes about her past and hosts two radio programs so she can always have really good conversations.
Meg Pokrass
MEG POKRASS stories appear in over 150 literary journals and are widely anthologized (W.W.Norton Anthology "Flash Fiction International" edited by Shapard, Thomas and Merrill, 2015 and "Roadside Curiosities: Short Stories on American Pop Culture" forthcoming from the University of Leipzig Press/Picador). Meg is the author of a novella-in-flash, "Here, Where We Live" (Rose Metal Press, 2014) and "Damn Sure Right (Press 53, 2011) a debut collection of flash. Meg's flash-fiction, micro-fiction and humor pieces have appeared in around a hundred and fifty online and print publications, including McSweeney's, The Rumpus, PANK, Smokelong Quarterly, Mississippi Review, MidAmerican Review, NANO Fiction, 100-Word Story, The Literarian, storySouth, Failbetter, Gigantic. Meg's humor pieces, co-written with author Bobbie Ann Mason, have recently been showcased in TNB Original Fiction. Her flash fiction has received multiple Pushcart Prize nominations, been showcased for Dzanc Books’ Short Story Month and nominated for Best of the Web, Best of the Net, and Wigleaf’s Top 50 [Very] Short Fictions. She serves as an associate editor for Frederick Barthelme’s New World Writing, and is currently working on a commissioned original screenplay with veteran writer/producer Graham Gordy. Learn more about her at megpokrass.com/
Igor Lukes
Igor Lukes is a professor of history and international affairs in the Pardee School of Global Studies, Boston University. He specializes in Central European History, East European Politics, Contemporary Russia. His books include On the Edge of the Cold War: American Diplomats and Spies in Postwar Prague (New York: Oxford, 2012), Rudolf Slansky: His Trials and Trial (Washington: Woodrow Wilson Center, the working papers series, 2006), Ceskoslovensko mezi Stalinem a Hitlerem: Benesova cesta k Mnichovu (Prague: Prostor, 1999), and Czechoslovakia Between Stalin and Hitler: The Diplomacy of Edvard Benes in the 1930′s (New York: Oxford, 1996), which won the Boston Authors Club Award and the Kahn Award.
Issac Eger
Isaac Eger is a writer living in New York. His work appears in The New York Times and 2paragraphs.com. He is writing a book you'll really really want to read. email: [email protected]
Ivan Arreguin-Toft
--Ivan Arreguin-Toft’s current research focuses the utility of barbarism—the systematic or deliberate harm of noncombatants in pursuit of a military objective—as a strategy in war. Assistant Professor of International Relations at BU, he specializes in Asymmetric Conflict (Insurgency, Counterinsurgency, Small Wars, Terrorism).
Jake Jones
Jake lives in London and is studying for his MA at UCL. He is a member of Collier Street Fiction Group. He writes short stories and poetry and is currently working on a collection of both, perhaps together. He can be found @jakejonesnotts or [email protected]
Jeffrey Hildebrand
Jeff Hildebrand lives in a 400-year-old stone farmhouse in the French countryside. He trades futures and options, and blogs about it at Brandnet.com. He worked as a developer in New York’s Silicon Alley in the 1990s. His Google+ page is here!
Jeffrey Mankoff
--Dr. Jeffrey Mankoff is deputy director and fellow with the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) Russia and Eurasia Program. He is the author of Russian Foreign Policy: The Return of Great Power Politics. He is a frequent commentator on international security, Russian foreign policy, regional security in the Caucasus and Central Asia, ethnic conflict, and energy security.
Jeremiah Tower
Jeremiah Tower, a creative culinary giant, was chef at the famed Chez Panisse during the moment when it redefined the idea of American cooking. He later created the seminal Stars restaurant, a San Francisco sensation that went on to open far-flung global operations and launch the careers of numerous world-renowned chefs, including Mario Batali. Both Tower and his books have won James Beard Foundation awards. He is considered by many to have invented, along with Alice Waters and Wolfgang Puck, "California Cuisine."
Jordan Rice
Jordan Rice is the author of Constellarium (Orison Books 2016). Her poems have been published or are forthcoming in American Literary Review, Colorado Review, The Feminist Wire, Gulf Coast, Indiana Review, Mid-American Review, Mississippi Review, and Witness, among many others. Her poems have also been anthologized in Writing the Walls Down: A Convergence of LGBTQ Voices, Troubling the Line: Trans and Genderqueer Poetry and Poetics, The Southern Poetry Anthology: Volume V, Best New Poets 2011, A Face to Meet the Faces: An Anthology of Contemporary Persona Poetry, Collecting Life: Poets on Objects Known and Imagined, Best of the Web 2009, and Best New Poets 2008. Rice’s poems have received the Indiana Review Poetry Prize, the Richard Peterson Poetry Prize from Crab Orchard Review, the Gulf Coast Poetry Prize, the Milton-Kessler Memorial Prize from Harpur Palate, the Yellowwood Poetry Prize from Yalobusha Review, and an AWP Intro to Journals Award. She received an MFA from Virginia Commonwealth University and a Ph.D. from Western Michigan University, where she served as Assistant Editor for New Issues Poetry and Prose and as Assistant Poetry Editor for Third Coast. Rice is co-editor of the anthology Letters for Our Children (Transgress Press 2017), is a regular contributor to the online journal 2paragraphs, and is an Executive Section Editor for Dublin Poetry Review.
Justin Gordon
Justin is a Miami Hurricanes football beat writer for lastwordonsports.com and 2paragraphs covering college and NFL football. A die hard Panthers fan, when not screaming at the TV on Sundays, Justin spends his time procrastinating on his blog thecynicalmillenial.wordpress.com, writing short stories and playing old video games and CDs like they were released yesterday. Justin is a Taurus.
Kabi Hartman
Dr. Kabi Hartman is Senior Adjunct Assistant Professor of English at Franklin & Marshall College in Lancaster, PA. She is currently using the 2paragraphs format with her students to explore where life meets literature.
Kenneth Bryant
Kenneth Bryant is Managing Partner at Sidereal Capital Group, LLC, in Washington, DC.
Lance Olsen
--Lance Olsen is the author of eleven novels, one hypertext, four critical studies, four fiction collections, and two textbooks about writing innovative fiction. He is the recipient of Guggenheim and N.E.A. fellowships as well as the Berlin Prize and a Pushcart Prize. His short stories, essays, poems, and reviews have appeared in a variety of journals and anthologies, including Conjunctions, Denver Quarterly, Black Warrior Review, Village Voice, BOMB, and Best American Non-Required Reading. He teaches experimental narrative theory and practice at the University of Utah.
Lauren Camp
Lauren is the author of two collections of poetry, This Business of Wisdom (West End Press, 2010) and The Dailiness (Edwin E. Smith, 2013), which was selected by World Literature Today as an “Editor’s Pick.” Lauren’s solo exhibit, The Fabric of Jazz: A Tribute to the Genius of American Music,” traveled to museums in ten cities from 2004 to 2007, including stops at the American Jazz Museum and the Delta Blues Museum.
Les Robbins
Les Robbins is a longtime Premier League watcher. A former collegiate athlete and now a business consultant in San Francisco, he has run marathons on numerous continents, summited Mount Kilimanjaro and completed the Ironman in Hawaii.
Lisa Levchuk
Lisa Levchuk is a teacher, former tennis coach, and the author of the novel Everything Beautiful in the World.
Lisa Nicole Cloud
Lisa Nicole Cloud is a true multifaceted business mogul who has achieved phenomenal success as a self-made millionaire, author, direct sales expert, fashion designer and founder of the Women’s Empowerment Network (WEN). She is the CEO of Elite Marketing Strategies, Lisa Nicole Cloud Enterprises and the Lisa Nicole Collection. An author, noted motivational speaker and sales trainer, Lisa is also one of the stars of the reality TV smash hit 'Married To Medicine.'
Lisandra Gomez-Tate
Lisandra Gomez-Tate covers the intersection of politics, business, entertainment and power for 2paragraphs. She studied filmmaking and began her professional career as videographer.
Lori Quinlan
Lori's food sense is rooted in respect for simplicity--so she and 2paragraphs are a natural fit. She owns Mama Earth, a healthy food consultancy in New York State. email: [email protected]
Lorie Karnath
Lorie Karnath is co-founder of The Explorers Museum, chair SAB Molecular Frontiers, 37th President The Explorers Club, Speaker, Author, field researcher and nomadic traveler.
Lovindaddy is a teacher and passionate sports enthusiast. He used to hate Duke the most, but he is always evolving.
Lucy Strathmore
Lucy Strathmore covers disruption and disruptors in business, politics and culture. She loves all things canine -- especially her Boxer, Kent -- because dogs are disarmingly loyal, unlike most people she writes about. She also likes Canada, but she doesn't want to move there or anything. lstrathmore [at] 2paragraphs.com
Madinah James
Madinah N. James is a TV Producer/Correspondent/Writer and a spokesperson and ambassador for The American Heart Association and The American Stroke Association.
Magie Dominic
–Magie Dominic is a Canadian poet and artist. Her new memoir, Street Angel, is out now.
Mariya Omelicheva
--Dr. Mariya Y. Omelicheva specializes in international and Eurasian security, counterterrorism and human rights, democracy promotion in the post-Soviet territory, and Russia's foreign and security policy. She is an Associate Professor at the University of Kansas. Her most recent book is Counterterrorism Policies in Central Asia.
Mark Preisler
Mark Preisler is the Executive Producer of the NHL Network.
Mark Richardson
Mark Richardson is a UK and European patent attorney with the London based firm Keltie LLP. Mark also manages the intellectual property related blog, IPcopy, which covers everything from the new European unitary patent system to articles about how IP is presented in the media and even in films like Iron Man 2 and Armageddon! The information and views set out in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of Keltie LLP. Nothing in this post should be taken as legal advice. If you require legal advice please contact your legal representative.
Marya Hornbacher
Marya Hornbacher is an American author whose books include Wasted: A Memoir of Anorexia and Bulimia, which was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, translated into sixteen languages and sold over a million copies in the US. Her other books include Madness: A Bipolar Life, Sane: Mental Illness, Addiction, and the 12 Steps, and Waiting: A Nonbeliever's Higher Power.
Matthew Amsterdam
Matthew Amsterdam is a New York-based sports fanatic with a particularly healthy obsession with horse racing. When not at Belmont or Churchill Downs, he works the angles elsewhere. He lives joyfully.
Michael Adelberg
By day, Michael Adelberg is a pale and studious health policy wonk; by evening, he is an even paler and more studious historian of the American Revolution; about midnight, he turns into a fiction writer and book reviewer. Sleep is overrated. Mike is the author of various publications including a half-dozen academic journal articles, the award-winning Theatre of Spoil and Destruction: American Revolution in Monmouth County (History Press, 2010) and three well reviewed novels: A Thinking Man's Bully (The Permanent Press, 2011), The Razing of Tinton Falls: Voices from the American Revolution (History Press, 2012), and Saving the Hooker (The Permanent Press, 2014). Mike lives in northern Virginia with his very-tolerant wife of twenty years and three sons. Visit him at www.michaeladelberg.com.
Michael J. Racette
Michael J. Racette is the resident legal thinker at 2Paragraphs. He is a Partner in the Boston office of Morrison Mahoney LLP, where he has two decades of litigation, trial, and appellate experience in state and federal courts. mail: [email protected]
Mike Bencivenga
Mike Bencivenga’s play Billy & Ray – the true story of the tumultuous creation of the classic film Double Indemnity – had its world premiere in Los Angeles in April 2013, directed by the legendary Garry Marshall. Mike also writes for film and is an Emmy Award-winning television producer.
Mike Drummey
Mike Drummey is an actor and writer living in New York City.
Mina Chang
Mina Chang is CEO and president of Linking the World, an international humanitarian aid organization with a focus on children, global awareness, and breaking the cycle of poverty around the world. Linking the World has been saving lives and transforming communities since 1997 through its unique emphasis on partnerships to kindle hope.
Mira Rapp-Hooper
Mira Rapp-Hooper is a PhD candidate in political science at Columbia University. Her dissertation analyzes the formation and management of nuclear security guarantees. Ms. Rapp-Hooper has previously worked on extended deterrence and conflict escalation issues for the RAND Corporation. Her expertise includes nuclear weapons policy and strategy, alliance politics, security issues in East Asia, and nuclear nonproliferation. Mira's work has appeared in The Atlantic, Survival, and The National Interest, among others. She holds a BA in history from Stanford University, an MA in politics from New York University, and an MA and an MPhil from Columbia University.
Molly Tambor
--Molly Tambor is Assistant Professor of History at Long Island University. She holds a Ph.D. in modern European history from Columbia University and specializes in political history and the history of women and gender. She was awarded the Rome Prize in 2002-2003 and did additional research at the University of Florence, Italy. Her new book is The Lost Wave: Women and Democracy in Postwar Italy.
MXM The Content-Powered Engagement Agency
Meredith Xcelerated Marketing (MXM) is the leading content-powered customer engagement agency. MXM creates integrated communications ecosystems that differentiate a brand from its competitors.
Read articles written by MXM The Content-Powered Engagement Agency
Natalie Cortazar
Ned McCarthy
Ned McCarthy is a father and husband. He's been living with a heart transplant for 17 years.
Ned Stuckey-French
Ned Stuckey-French is a professor at Florida State University and the author of The American Essay in the American Century.
Niall McArdle
Niall McArdle is Chief Entertainment and Culture Correspondent at 2paragraphs, North America. A versatile writer, Niall left his native Dublin to take up residence in the leafy splendor of the Ottawa Valley--just the opposite of what Eveline did. He keeps a home on the Internet at Raging Fluff.
NYRB Classics
The NYRB Classics series is designedly and determinedly exploratory and eclectic, a mix of fiction and non-fiction from different eras and times and of various sorts. The series includes nineteenth century novels and experimental novels, reportage and belles lettres, tell-all memoirs and learned studies, established classics and cult favorites, literature high, low, unsuspected, and unheard of.
Oliver Miller
Oliver Miller is an American writer living in Bucharest, Romania. He has written for Nerve, McSweeney’s, The Huffington Post, The Sundance Channel, The Paris Review Online, and many other publications.
Owen Crowther
Owen Crowther, Ph.D. Chemical Engineering, Columbia University, is a research scientist specializing in Lithium-ion batteries. He writes about sports, music, food and other essential things. He's from Detroit. email: [email protected]
Paul Hawkins
Paul Hawkins is the author of 'Other, Please Specify: Notes from an Off-white American'
PepsiCo Reporter
PepsiCo Reporter keeps an eye on the giant food company PepsiCo. With a product portfolio that includes 22 brands that generate more than $1 billion each in annual retail sales, Pepsi's got something in your kitchen. Main businesses – Quaker, Tropicana, Gatorade, Frito-Lay and Pepsi-Cola. email: [email protected]
Philip Garcia
Philip started his career in astrology and psychic work at the age of 21, he found it very fascinating and discovered he had a unique talent in intuitive psychic work. Philip has now been working along side a top celebrity astrologer for 7 years and thoroughly loves what he does. Philip believes in Karma and loves to know he can help and guide people throughout their daily lives. Philip regularly mixes his astrology and psychic abilities into formulating reasons behind his predictions and providing the bigger picture for his clients - which include a number of celebs.
Philip Slayton
Philip Slayton—a best-selling author—is a former Rhodes Scholar, law school dean, and corporate lawyer. He is a board member of PEN Canada (Chair of the National Affairs Committee). email: [email protected]
Philip Turner
Philip Turner is a Publishing Consultant and Curator & Writer at The Great Gray Bridge.
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Reed Hundt
Reed Hundt is the former Chairman of the United States Federal Communications Commission (1993 to 1997, appointed by President Bill Clinton). At the FCC, he oversaw the introduction of spectrum auctions and the implementation of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 designed to substantially reduce the rates for international telecommunications service. Hundt is currently the CEO of the Coalition for Green Capital, a non-profit advocacy coalition of businesses, investors and attorneys. He is also the author of the new e-book, Zero Hour: Time to Build the Clean Power Platform.
Ric Kallaher
Ric Kallaher photographs and documents the Events and People of Advertising, Media, Arts and Culture. His mission is to artfully create strong, provocative & transcendent visual records of meaningful relationships & significant moments. Ric has been the photographer of record for all of the top advertising awards shows, including The One Show Festival, The ANDY Awards, the EFFIES Awards, The Art Directors Club, and The Advertising Club. He has photographed separate cover stories on Fox News' Roger Ailes and Sean Hannity as well as a feature on former President Bill Clinton. In 2010 he became the principal event photographer for New York's prestigious Museum of Arts & Design on Columbus Circle. He has photographed celebrities such as George Clooney, Ellen Barkin, and Cindy Crawford and done studio portraits of Philip Glass, E. L. Doctorow, John Updike, Richard Ford, Joyce Carol Oates, and others. Ric also donates his photographic talents to FLASHES OF HOPE, a national nonprofit organization that changes the way children with cancer see themselves through the gift of photography.
Richard Coley
Richard Coley is the Executive Director of the ETS Center for Research on Human Capital and Education. His recent work has focused on the achievement gap and on the factors that are associated with the gap as well as on documenting and analyzing national trends in student performance and attainment. Coley has been involved in studies of federal, state and local education policy issues, including studies of school finance and governance, teacher education and certification, educational standards, tracking, education indicators and education reform. Coley’s most recent publications include Poverty and Education: Finding the Way Forward; Fault Lines in Our Democracy: Civic Knowledge, Voting Behavior, and Civic Engagement in the United States; State Pre-K Assessment Policies: Issues and Status; The Mission of the High School: A New Consensus of the Purposes of Public Education?; The Black-White Achievement Gap: When Progress Stopped; Parsing the Achievement Gap; and The Family: America’s Smallest School.
Rick Boomer
Rick Boomer is a teacher and resident sports bard at 2Paragraphs.com, where he pens ruminative essays about fun and games, triumph and disappointment. He was a Division 1 NCAA athlete and has run San Francisco's Bay-to-Breakers footrace in a polyester leisure suit. email: [email protected]
Robert Moreschi
Robert Moreschi is a contributing writer at football.com, where he covers the New York Giants. Follow him at RobNYGFootball
Roger Pilon
Roger Pilon is the founder and director of the Cato Institute's Center for Constitutional Studies, an important force in the national debate over constitutional interpretation and judicial philosophy. He is the publisher of the Cato Supreme Court Review and is an adjunct professor of government at Georgetown University through The Fund for American Studies. Prior to joining Cato, Pilon held five senior posts in the Reagan administration, including at State and Justice, and was a National Fellow at Stanford’s Hoover Institution. In 1989 the Bicentennial Commission presented him with its Benjamin Franklin Award for excellence in writing on the U.S. Constitution. In 2001 Columbia University’s School of General Studies awarded him its Alumni Medal of Distinction. Pilon lectures and debates at universities and law schools across the country and testifies often before Congress. His writing has appeared in the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, Legal Times, National Law Journal, Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy, Stanford Law & Policy Review, 2paragraphs, and elsewhere. He has appeared on ABC’s Nightline, CBS’s 60 Minutes II, Fox News Channel, NPR, CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, and other media. Pilon holds a B.A. from Columbia University, an M.A. and a Ph.D. from the University of Chicago, and a J.D. from the George Washington University School of Law.
Roy Edroso
Roy Edroso is a writer and a columnist at The Village Voice. He blogs at alicublog.
Ruben K. Vargas
Ruben K. Vargas is a regular at Comic-Con and claims to have been the first subscriber to Apple TV+. He covers what's on screens, online culture and Artificial Intelligence, occasionally looking up from his device. He lives in Upper Manhattan.
Ruthnye Jean-Philippe
My name is Ruthnye and I am obsessed with sports and music. All my life, sports and music have played a major impact on me as a person. Growing up as a book nerd, I secretly dreamed of what it would be like to bring to life characters and stories that people would be inspired by. After playing my last college basketball game, I decided to put those dreams and imaginations to use by creating RushNTakes.
San Francisco Wine Center
San Francisco Wine Center provides expert acquisition assistance, state-of-the-art storage and collector services, and unparalleled Storage Member Benefits for clients all over the world. Located in vibrant downtown San Francisco, near the great vineyards of Napa and Sonoma, San Francisco Wine Center offers every wine lover a totally customized experience. email: [email protected]
Shannon Sharpe
Shannon Sharpe is a culture editor and writer. She is one of those lucky people whose career intersects with her passions—food, design, travel, and books. She is currently the Managing Editor of Metropolis magazine.
Shari Washburn
Shari Washburn lives and mothers her daughter in Berkeley, CA. When not serving up delicious fare from her food truck, she occasionally has time to write about what she knows - parenting, raising fierce girls, relationships, food and fitness.
Sofi Jurjevic
Pronouns: They/Them. Sofi Jurjevic studied literature in Reykjavik, where they became addicted to pop culture, sweeping epics, staring at the sky and -- annoyingly, predictably -- Bjork. They write about music and stuff viewed on screens large and small.
Spencer Blohm
Spencer Blohm is antertainment, pop culture, film, television, and fashion writer extraordinaire.
Stephen Santola
Stephen Santola is an attorney and discerning sports viewer.
Stephen Sestanovich
Stephen Sestanovich is the George F. Kennan senior fellow for Russian and Eurasian studies at the Council on Foreign Relations and the Kathryn and Shelby Cullom Davis professor of international diplomacy at Columbia University. He is the author of Maximalist: America in the World from Truman to Obama, just published by Knopf. From 1997 to 2001, he served as U.S. ambassador-at-large for the former Soviet Union. He has also served as vice president for Russian and Eurasian affairs at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, director of Soviet and East European studies at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, and senior director for policy development at the National Security Council. Ambassador Sestanovich received his BA from Cornell University and his PhD from Harvard University. He is coauthor or editor of several volumes on international affairs and has contributed articles to the National Interest, Foreign Affairs, New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, Foreign Policy, American Interest, New Republic, Politico Magazine, and other publications.
Stephen V. Bittner
Stephen V. Bittner is Professor of History at Sonoma State University in California, focusing on Russian/Soviet and Eastern European History. He received his PhD from the University of Chicago and is the author of The Many Lives of Khrushchev’s Thaw.
Steve H. Hanke
Steve H. Hanke is Professor of Applied Economics at The Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, MD. He is also a Senior Fellow and Director of the Troubled Currencies Project at the Cato Institute in Washington, D.C. In 1998, he served as Indonesian President Suharto’s chief economic advisor.
Steven Pifer
Steven Pifer is a former ambassador to Ukraine whose career as a foreign service officer centered on Europe, the former Soviet Union and arms control. He is director of the Brookings Institution Arms Control and Non-Proliferation Initiative and a senior fellow with the Center on the United States and Europe in the Foreign Policy program at Brookings Institute. He most recently wrote for 2paragraphs about the geopolitical battle in Ukraine.
The Permanent Press
Begun in 1978 by Martin and Judith Shepard, The Permanent Press committed itself to publishing works of social and literary merit and has, over the years, gained a reputation as one of the finest independent presses in America. email: [email protected]
Timothy Ogene
Timothy Ogene was born and raised in Nigeria, but has since traveled and lived in Germany and Liberia. His poems have appeared in The Blue Rock Review, Poetry Quarterly, Mad Swirl, Medulla Review, Underground Voices, Contemporary Literary Review India, Kin Poetry Journal, and other places. A recipient of a Dekeyser & Friends Fellowship, he is also a contributing poetry editor ataaduna. An excerpt of his novel, A Strand of Ice, is forthcoming at The Smoking Poet.
Tod Goldberg
Tod Goldberg is the bestselling author of 'Gangsterland' and a dozen other books. He directs the Low Residency MFA Program at UC Riverside.
Unbridled Books
Unbridled Books is dedicated to publishing high-quality works that are moving, beautiful, and surprising.
Vitaly Chernetsky
Vitaly Chernetsky, an associate professor at The University of Kansas, is the author of Mapping Postcommunist Cultures: Russia and Ukraine in the Context of Globalization, co-winner of the Prize for Best Book given by the American Association for Ukranian Studies. He holds a PhD in Comparative Literature from the University of Pennsylvania. He last wrote for 2paragraphs here.
William Wright
William Wright is author of seven collections of poetry: four full-length books, including Tree Heresies (Mercer University Press, forthcoming), Night Field Anecdote (Louisiana Literature Press, 2011), Bledsoe (Texas Review Press, 2011), and Dark Orchard (Texas Review Press, 2006, winner of the Breakthrough Poetry Prize). Wright’s chapbooks are Sleep Paralysis (Stepping Stones Press, 2012, Winner of the South Carolina Poetry Initiative Prize, selected by Kwame Dawes), Xylem & Heartwood (Finishing Line Press, 2013), and The Ghost Narratives (Finishing Line Press, 2008). Recent work can be found in The Kenyon Review, Crab Orchard Review, Indiana Review, Colorado Review, Southern Poetry Review, Oxford American, Shenandoah, and many others. Wright is Series Editor and Volume Co-editor of The Southern Poetry Anthology, a multivolume series celebrating contemporary writing of the American South, published by Texas Review Press. Additionally Wright serves as a contributing editor for Shenandoah, a contributing web columnist for Oxford American, translates German poetry, and is editing three volumes, including Grit Po: Rough South Poetry (with Daniel Cross Turner). Wright won the 2012 Porter Fleming Prize in Literature.
Peter Van Buren
Peter Van Buren's new book, Ghosts of Tom Joad: A Story of the #99 Percent, is available now on Amazon. Following his book about Iraq, We Meant Well, the Department of State began proceedings against him. His defense by the Government Accountability Project and the ACLU carried the day, and he has since left government service.
Yahia Lababidi
Yahia Lababidi is the author of Signposts to Elsewhere (aphorisms), Trial by Ink: From Nietzsche to Bellydancing (essays), Fever Dreams (poetry) and, and, most recently, The Artist as Mystic (conversations) His amazon author page is HERE. email: [email protected]
Zachary Goldman
Zachary K. Goldman is the Executive Director at the Center on Law and Security at NYU. He has served as a policy advisor in the U.S. Treasury’s Office of Terrorist Financing and Financial Crimes and as a Special Assistant to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He is a former Associate in the litigation department of Sullivan & Cromwell LLP. He has published on national security strategy, counterterrorism, and U.S. foreign policy in Political Science Quarterly, Foreign Affairs, The Atlantic, The Diplomat, The National Interest, and others. Goldman received his J.D. from New York University School of Law, his M.Sc. in International Relations with honors from the London School of Economics, and his B.A. in History, magna cum laude, from Harvard University.
Black Square Editions
Black Square Editions was started by John Yau in 1999. It has published more than twenty-five books of fiction, poetry, translations, and essays.
C. Gregory Thompson
C.Gregory Thompson lives in Los Angeles, California where he writes fiction, non-fiction, and memoir. He has a BFA in Film & Television from New York University. His fiction has been published on Every Writer’s Resource, and his non-fiction and memoir have been published on 100 Miles and Honest Cooking.
Elynne Chaplik-Aleskow
Elynne Chaplik-Aleskow is a Pushcart Prize nominated memoirist and award-winning educator and broadcaster. She is Founding General Manager of WYCC-TV/PBS and Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Wright College in Chicago. Her adult storyteller program IN HER OWN VOICE is renowned.
Eric Lawson
Eric Lawson is a writer and actor living in Los Angeles. His most recent accolades include winning Best Poem for “Lucky Strikes Are Hard to Find” at the 2012 Los Angeles Neo-Noir Film Festival as well as a www.textnovel.com 2013 Editor’s Choice Award for his novel-in-progress, The Road to Ruin. He has published two comedy collections as well as three chapbooks of poetry. When not working on various film or writing projects, traveling or spending time with friends, he is most likely passed out from exhaustion, and honestly not trying to ignore you.
Jim McElhatton
Jim McElhatton works as a newspaper reporter in and around Washington DC, and he sometimes likes to commute to work and back on his dad's reliable old Cannondale.
Juliane Furst
Juliane Fürst is a Senior Lecturer in Modern European History at the University of Bristol. She has published widely around the topic of youth, youth culture and post-war social and cultural history. Currently she is concluding an AHRC-funded project on alternative cultures in late socialism in Eastern Europe, which was in collaboration with Dr. Josie McLellan, University of Bristol. Her own research concerns the sizable Soviet hippie community, its world and habitat and significance for the evaluation of what late socialism really meant. She is a fellow at The Davis Center for Russian and Eurasion Studies and the author of Stalin's Last Generation: Soviet Post-War Youth and the Emergence of Mature Socialism.
Marc Schuster
Best known for his novels The Grievers and The Singular Exploits of Wonder Mom and Party Girl, Marc devotes much of his time and energy to promoting independent publishers through his blog Small Press Reviews.
Pantheon Books
Pantheon founder, Kurt Wolff, was born in Germany in 1887. He emigrated to the United States in 1941 and began publishing major works in translation. Today its authors include, Julia Glass, James Gleick, Ha Jin, Anne Morrow Lindbergh, Alexander McCall Smith, and graphic novelists Marjane Satrapi and Art Spiegelman.