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Established in 2012, 2paragraphs is proud to feature a lean closely-integrated editorial team that works hard to publish news coverage free from bias and misinformation.
2paragraphs has no political affiliation. Our goal is simple: we report what prominent people are saying and doing, using direct quotes.
Our goal is to inform our readers about what’s happening in the culture, whether the news is about legislative battles in the House of Representatives, Miley Cyrus teasing new music on Instagram, Shaquille O’Neal’s NBA predictions, or the newest star of a popular TV drama. Note: Some of our writers employ pseudonyms.
The 2paragraphs editorial team works with numerous contributors and is constantly seeking to discover and promote new and diverse voices. Please email us if you want to join our team!
Mary Fichter, Co-Founder, Senior Editor
Mary Fichter is a founding editor at 2paragraphs.com where she covers entertainment news, TV, consumer-focused business, and culture. She is a graduate of Purdue University and holds an MFA from Sarah Lawrence College. [email protected]
Joseph Mackin, Co-Founder, Senior Editor
Joseph Mackin is a founding editor at 2paragraphs, where he covers politics, sports, business and culture. He was the original Internet Editor of The Paris Review, under the direction of George Plimpton, and is the author of the novel Pretend All Your Life. He is a graduate of Franklin & Marshall College and holds a master’s degree in American Literature from NYU. [email protected]
Howard T. Bellin, Publisher
Howard T. Bellin is an author, medical doctor, art collector, serial internet investor, and the holder of nine technology patents issued by the USPTO. He has appeared on Oprah, Extra, CNN, MTV and 20/20, and been written about in The New York Times, People, Vogue, and other national publications. He attended Amherst College. [email protected]
Lori Quinlan, Food Editor
Lori Quinlan is a food entrepreneur who has also done a lot of work with Ferrari, so she knows style and substance. You might say her passions are fast cars and slow cooking. Lori’s food sense is rooted in respect for simplicity. She also owns Mama Earth, a healthy food consultancy in New York State. [email protected]
Niall McArdle, Editor-at-Large
Niall McArdle is an editor-at-large at 2paragraphs.com, where he writes about entertainment and pop culture. Niall is now based in Dublin, Ireland after beginning his 2paragraphs association while living in Canada. He is a prize-winning short story writer and also writes for the Dublin Inquirer. [email protected]
Jeff Hildebrand, Technology Editor
Jeff Hildebrand is the Technology Editor at 2paragraphs, where he evinces a deep interest in effective management, R&D, and entrepreneurial perspectives. Jeff is passionate about innovative technical solutions that address everyday challenges. Jeff is a graduate of the University of Cincinnati and is based in Paris. [email protected]
Hazel Kahan, Research Director
Hazel Kahan was born to German Jewish refugee physicians in Lahore (now Pakistan, then British India) and has lived, studied and worked in many places–India, England, Australia, Israel and the United States. Hazel has a PhD from the University of Sydney, Australia, and is the former News Director of WPKN Radio, where she also served as a member of the WPKN Board of Directors from 2017 to 2021. [email protected]
2paragraphs.com is a digital-first news publisher hosted on the open web, also publishing news content through established channels on platforms such as YouTube, X, Facebook, Instagram and Flipboard.
2paragraphs publishes news on entertainment, politics, TV, sports, culture, celebrity, fashion, and consumer trends and products. 2paragraphs features original reporting focused on accuracy, depth and context. 2paragraphs is independent, trusted, non-political. For more information, please write to us at [email protected].
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