In the Modern Family episode “The Last Halloween,” Mitch and Cam head to the WeHo Halloween Carnival and Gloria feels self-conscious about her age after someone correctly assumes she is Jay’s wife. But the most fun is had when Phil (Ty Burrell) does his absolute best to finally scare Claire (Julie Bowen) on Halloween.
A few days before the episode airs, Bowen shared a video she made on the set for her son Oliver. She looks into the camera and says, “Oliver, I’m gonna meg him.”
She then crawls between the legs of a man wearing a short bathrobe. When he turns around, it’s revealed to be soccer legend David Beckham, who smiles and shakes his head and says, “That was so not megged, but close.” Bowen says, “It doesn’t matter; it was perfect,” and gives him a kiss on the cheek.
P.S. It looks like Beckham also got to meet Courteney Cox on the Modern Family set! Modern Family airs Wednesdays at 9 pm on ABC, right before Single Parents at 9:30 pm.