The protagonist of the new crime thriller Emergence is police chief Jo Evans (Allison Tolman). Her personal and professional lives are turned upside down when she finds a young girl Piper (Alexa Swinton) near the site of a mysterious plane crash in her quiet little town.
When Jo takes in the girl, who can’t remember anything, and brings her home, Jo’s father Ed bonds with the little girl. Ed, who was a single dad when he raised Jo, is a retired firefighter who is now battling cancer.
Jo’s father Ed is portrayed by actor Clancy Brown. He’s known for his roles on The Goldbergs (Adam’s woodshop teacher Mr. Crosby), Sleepy Hollow (Sheriff August Corbin), The Flash (General Wade Eiling), ER (Dr. Ellis West), and in films including The Shawshank Redemption (Captain Hadley), Pet Sematary 2 (Gus Gilbert), Starship Troopers (Sgt. Zim), and Bad Boys (Viking Lofgren), among many others.
Emergence airs Tuesdays at 10 pm on ABC, right after black-ish at 9:30 pm, and mixed-ish at 9 pm. [Stream any ABC show through the ABC GO Digital App found here. Download is FREE.]