The winner of Season 2 of American Idol on ABC will be announced on the grand finale show on Sunday, May 19. But before that, several special guests will perform including judge Katy Perry with Daddy Yankee, lesser known singer Shayy, and country star Kane Brown. The 25-year-old recently married Brown performs “Good As You” and “Lost in the Middle of Nowhere” with Idol contestant Alyssa Raghu.
Brown and his girlfriend Katelyn Jae married in October 2018. Just last weekend, Brown was celebrating the graduation of his wife of seven months, now Katelyn Brown, from the famous Berklee College of Music. Brown shared the video below of Katelyn walking across the stage, getting her diploma wearing a killer pair of white and silver studded ankle shoes/boots!
In case you haven’t heard: the happy couple just announced that they’re expecting their first child together — it’s going to be a baby girl! As Katelyn wrote she “got to walk across the stage with our daughter and cannot wait to teach her one day to be a strong, independent woman and that she can do anything she wants to in this world!!”
Katelyn took to social media to thank her husband for his support. She wrote that Brown “made me feel that getting my degree was so cool and continuously expressed how proud I was making him😭😍👩🎓 can’t wait to start my next journey!” See photos of the newlywed couple with diploma below. The American Idol grand finale airs Sunday, May 19 at 8 pm.