The new Bravo scripted drama “Dirty John” tells the real life story of Debra Newell (Connie Britton, Nashville) a four-time divorcee who fell in love with handsome and charming John Meehan, dated for two months, and then got married in Vegas. Newell’s adult children were not pleased with the whirlwind romance nor did they trust “Dirty John” Meehan. When Newell filed for an annulment 16 months after the wedding, Meehan attacked Newell’s daughter Terra in a parking lot with a knife. She fought back and stabbed Meehan to death. The story was first chronicled by Los Angeles Times reporter Christopher Goffard, who created the popular podcast “Dirty John.”
[Bana starred as Bruce Banner in Hulk]
Dirty John Meehan is portrayed by Australian-born actor and comedian Eric Bana. As an actor, Bana (born Eric Banadinović to a Croatian father and German mother) is known for his roles in the films The Forgiven opposite Forest Whitaker who plays Archbishop Desmond Tutu), Guy Richie’s King Arthur: Legend of the Sword with Charlie Hunnam, the lead in Steven Spielberg’s Munich (Avner), The Time Traveler’s Wife with Rachel McAdams (Henry), JJ Abrams’ Star Trek (villain Nero), The Other Boleyn Girl (Henry Tudor), Troy with Brad Pitt (Hector), Hulk (Bruce Banner), and Black Hawk Down (Hoot), among others. Fun fact: Bana is the voice of Anchor in Finding Nemo.
Bana launched his career on the Australian sketch comedy show Full Frontal which is similar to Saturday Night Live. Bana was known on the 1990s show for his impersonations of Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger and Tom Cruise (see video below). Dirty John airs Sundays at 10 pm on Bravo, right after The Real Housewives of Orange County.