In the Scorpion episode “Fair is Foul,” the team goes to a renaissance festival at Sylvester’s (Ari Stidham) bequest. (It’s his birthday.) Before the team is diverted when a nearby police evidence locker is broken into, Walter (Elyes Gabel) points out all of the historical inaccuracies at the festival. Walter is not a fan of such festivals but he agrees to dress up like Robin Hood, and Paige (Katherine McPhee) looks like Maid Marian. Together they meet the hilarious King Phillip who has an awkward “sword in the stone” moment.
King Phillip is portrayed by Brandon Barash. He’s known for his roles on Timeless (Ernest Hemingway), Major Crimes (Detective Robby Oderno), General Hospital (Johnny Zacchara), The Unauthorized Melrose Place Story (Thomas Calabro, aka Michael Mancini), and Gilmore Girls (Jamie), among others. Scorpion airs Mondays at 10pm on CBS, right after 9JKL.