In the Lifetime movie Psycho In-Law, a beautiful young woman named Tina falls for widower Brock (Mike Faiola) who’s raising his 8-year-old daughter Harper with his former mother-in-law Joyce (Catherine Dyer). When Brock breaks the news to Joyce about Tina joining the family and wanting to get more involved (act as Harper’s stepmother), Joyce does not respond well. Hence, the title of the movie.
[Leclerc played deaf teenager Daphne on Switched at Birth]
Tina is portrayed by Katie Leclerc. She’s known for her roles on Switched at Birth (Daphne) – see link above, Confess (Auburn Reed), The Big Bang Theory (Emily, Raj’s girlfriend), and Fashion House (Sara), among others. Fun fact: Leclerc made her acting debut in an episode of Veronica Mars in 2005. Psycho In-Law premieres on Lifetime on Sunday, October 15 at 8pm.