A new reality show called Growing Up Evancho follows the life of 17-year-old singer Jackie Evancho and her family. Evancho, her parents (Lisa and Michael), and her three siblings (Zack, Juliet, and Rachel) live in the suburbs of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Born Jacqueline Marie Evancho, Jackie gained national recognition in 2010 when she came in second place on America’s Got Talent (Season 5). Since then, she’s recorded with Barbra Streisand (“Somewhere”) and she’s released seven albums.
Evancho most recently made national headlines when she performed the U.S. national anthem at President Trump’s inauguration, much to the dismay of the LGBT community. Evancho has a transgender sister, Juliet. Evancho said her decision to perform on January 20, 2017 was “apolitical” and that day released “Together We Stand”, a collection of three songs — “The Star-Spangled Banner”, “America the Beautiful” and “God Bless America”. Profits from the release went to LGBT “charities in support of my sister Juliet.” Growing Up Evancho airs Wednesdays at 10pm on TLC.