The reality TV show OutDaughtered is back and the Busby family is facing the infamous “terrible twos” with the quints. Mother of six Danielle says one of her least favorite things to do as a mom is to change diapers in public. She says it’s become her responsibility even if her husband Adam is around because “I don’t want the girls going in the stinky boys’ bathroom.” She might change her mind about that when at an indoor playground three of the quints all desperately need to be changed at the same time. Parker’s “atomic explosion” is so extreme, Danielle says it’s time to pack everyone up and go home.
The stinky messy incident has Danielle trying to potty train the quints in the following episode, “A Little Potty Never Killed No Body.” OutDaughtered airs Tuesdays at 8pm and 9pm on TLC.