At the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, a number of politicans and Washington insiders including Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas and Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn will point out the purported downfalls of the current Democrat administration (healthcare, national security, Iran nuclear negotiations, etc.). One non-insider speaking at the RNC is Jamiel Shaw.
Jamiel Shaw is the father of Jamiel Shaw Jr. known as Jas, who was 17 years old when murdered by 19-year-old undocumented immigrant Pedro Espinoza who mistook Jas for a rival gang member in 2008. Espinoza was given the death sentence and was ordered to pay $7000 for Shaw’s funeral and burial expenses. Espinoza is awaiting execution at San Quentin. He is the youngest person on death row. Shaw has been speaking at Trump events regularly. He espouses Trump’s controversial views on limiting immigration.