Sen. Ron Wyden from Oregon makes his case simply in a tweet aimed at GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump. “Tax returns can’t lie. They can’t spin. And that’s why a majority of Americans want Presidential nominees to release them,” writes Wyden. Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren couldn’t improve on Wyden’s clarity so she retweeted the message, giving it far broader reach than Wyden’s original.
No modern candidate for president has refused to release his (and now her) tax returns to show transparency to the American people. Trump has still not released his, citing the fact that he is going through an audit as the reason. Former GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney suspects there is a “bombshell” in the Trump tax returns that would blow up his campaign. Warren, who has gone at Trump a lot on Twitter and elsewhere, intends to keep the pressure on Trump to reveal his financial status — what he’s paid in taxes, charitable giving and other elements that tax returns “can’t lie” about. Hillary Clinton, honoring precedent, has 8 years worth of tax returns posted on her site.
Tax returns can’t lie. They can’t spin. And that’s why a majority of Americans want Presidential nominees to release them #ReleaseTheReturns
— Ron Wyden (@RonWyden) June 8, 2016