Sarah Shahi will play the legendary teen sleuth Nancy Drew from the iconic mystery series that introduced a feminist icon to young girls the world over. Shahi is already one of the most popular sleuths on TV, solving grave riddles on CBS’s Person of Interest. Now she’ll be the center of attention as she inhabits Nancy Drew.
Shahi is the sort of actress producers feel they must have to give a show a chance: viewers want to see her in their living rooms at night. Shahi expertly mixes glamorous looks and a devastating smile with tough credibility as a cop. Her eyes communicate intelligence, experience and wisdom. And she is very much the grown-up in the room, which is why she’s perfect for the new Nancy Drew. The show, on CBS, will remake the teenage legend as a thirtysomething adult delving into mysterious happenings. Drew is said to have influenced women from Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor to Hillary Clinton to international labor figure Joan Barrett.