Wikimedia Commons, the massive database of more than 30 million freely usable images and media files, has an astonishing array of photos — from grainy amateur snapshots to works of distinctive photographic art. Each day Wikimedia chooses to feature from its vast archive a “Picture of the day.” These are “the finest images on Wikimedia Commons and are selected by consensus.”
For February 1 2016, Wikimedia features a black-and-white female nude — “Female nude photo with low-key lighting” by Ralf Roletschek. The selections seek to represent the diversity and artistry available in the collection. The nude is a rare choice — and surprisingly visitors arrive at it without any warning, either for underage users or, say, visiting Iranian dignitaries — both groups which would normally be shielded from such an image. The day before the Wikimedia picture of the day was less provocative, if equally fascinating: it is a very colorful photo of “Germany’s largest oil field.”

Female Nude by Ralf Roletschek [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons (link above)