In the Lifetime TV movie Caught, when housewife Sabrina (Anna Camp) finds out teenage track star Allie (Stefanie Scott) is having an affair with her husband Justin, Sabrina seeks revenge. With the help of her sister Paige (Amelia Rose Blair), Sabrina kidnaps Allie and keeps her tied up in the attic. The “prank” goes on longer than Paige expected. When Paige tells Sabrina to let Allie go, Sabrina tries, but Allie fights back and Justin finds out what’s going on.
[Who Is Wife Sabrina In Lifetime’s ‘Caught’?]
Justin is portrayed by Sam Page. He’s best known for his roles on Switched at Birth (Craig Tebbe), House of Cards (Connor Ellis), Mad Men (Greg Harris), Gossip Girl (Colin Forrester), Desperate Housewives (Sam Allen), Shark (Casey Woodland), American Dreams (Drew Mandel), and All My Children (Trey Kenyon). Page isn’t just a talented, handsome actor. The Princeton grad earned a BA in ecology and evolutionary biology. His thesis was on the mating habits of a female mosquitofish. Caught will premiere on Lifetime on November 7 at 8pm. It will air again on November 8 at 12am, 7pm and 11pm.