Donald Trump is using accusations that he mocked a reporter’s disability to boast about his own memory, to take shots at the “financially failing” New York Times, and to try to cement his status as a media victim, targeted by politically correct losers. (As Trump would say.) Trump denied he knew the reporter, Serge Kovaleski, the alleged target of Trump’s mocking. Kovaleski has a condition called arthrogryposis, which curtails the use of his arms. Trump seemed to pantomime Kovaleski’s movements during a speech.
Kovaleski says he knew Trump and covered him for years while he was a reporter for the Daily News. Trump denied mocking the reporter. He couldn’t have, he says, because he doesn’t know who he is. Trump’s statement says: “Somebody at the financially failing and totally biased New York Times said that, over the years, I have met Mr. Kovaleski. Despite having one of the all-time great memories, I certainly do not remember him.”