People are talking a lot about Serena Williams’ body. Williams is an elite athlete, so that’s expected. People talk about Tiger Woods’ body (is it broken?) and LeBron James’ body (did he lose weight?), too. Look, ESPN has a whole issue called THE BODY ISSUE with athletes posing nude and it’s — surprise! — the most popular issue of the year. But the Serena Williams talk has moved from the body issue to, well, body issues.
[Serena Williams Stops Traffic In The Greatest Skirt Of All-Time]
During Wimbledon the powerful Williams was the subject of a strange article in the New York Times that called into question Williams’ femininity, merely due to her strength. And myriad Internet commentary has contributed to the ill-informed notion that Serena Williams is “built like a man.” Even Harry Potter inventor JK Rowling had to point out the absurdity of this characterization. Any painter we’d call an Old Master would recognize that Serena Williams actually has what might even be called the prototypical feminine body. But in case you don’t want to consult Rubens or Van Dyck, you could just watch some footage from David Letterman. Wow. That’s some skirt.