Let’s look again at President Obama’s impassioned announcement about taking military action against Syria — from August 31, 2013. Obama begins: “Ten days ago, the world watched in horror as men, women and children were massacred in Syria in the worst chemical weapons attack of the 21st century.” The president said the attack “presents a serious danger to our national security.”
[Will Assad’s Last Throw of the Dice Be Chemical Genocide?]
Other attacks by Assad’s regime have followed in the nearly two years since President Obama’s remarks. “Make no mistake,” the president said then, “this has implications beyond chemical warfare. If we won’t enforce accountability in the face of this heinous act, what does it say about our resolve to stand up to others who flout fundamental international rules? To governments who would choose to build nuclear arms? To terrorist who would spread biological weapons? To armies who carry out genocide?” Assad remains in power. See the full speech below.