Phillip Peatross was devastated after he found out that his wife had cheated on him. But he didn’t stop being a warm and caring father to their four daughters. His love for his children was one of the traits that attracted Caryn Kelley. They met at a concert at the Hard Rock Café in Orlando, after his divorce. Peatross and Kelley dated for 15 months before he was shot dead in Kelley’s home.
Kelley said they were drinking and arguing at her house from 10 till midnight that night. Before storming out, she warned him not to drive anywhere because he was drunk. He left, but then showed up later unannounced. Kelley, who kept a gun under her bed, thought he was a burglar. She pointed her gun at him but didn’t shoot. She said Peatross grabbed the gun from her and shot himself. When the police arrived, a police officer taped her talking about what had happened, but she is not coherent. Kelley was charged with manslaughter. She was found not guilty.