German film director Werner Herzog (Grizzly Man) is adapting DBC Pierre’s Booker prize-winning novel Vernon God Little. It’s a coming-of-age story about Vernon (Austin Abrams), a teenager whose best friend murders their classmates in the schoolyard. Vernon is taken in for questioning and a “hyper-real world of accusation and betrayal” unfolds.
Readers of Booker Prize-winning novels and Herzog fans might be surprised to hear that Vernon God Little will star professional fighter Mike Tyson as an ax murderer turned popular preacher who helps Vernon figure out his feelings. It also stars the perfectly cast Russell Brand, whose character pretends to be a CNN reporter but is really a psychotic fraud. Pamela Anderson has also been linked to the film. Details haven’t been released about her role but Brand has his fingers crossed that Anderson will play Vernon’s Mom (yes, there’s a sex scene!).