Donald Trump joined the dreaded group known as RINOs sometime even before he entered his post-presidency, according to Ann Coulter, the rightwing firebrand who once served as the former president’s ally.
RINO, of course, is short for Republicans In Name Only, a slur from the far right once used to characterize GOP members who didn’t follow all the party orthodoxy. A versatile denigration, RINO later morphed a broad indictment against any Republican who disagreed with Trump.
More recently, trying to change the RINO definition once more, Coulter now includes Trump in the group, calling him a “jack*** RINO.”
Using attacking verbiage familiar to Trump, Coulter said in 2019 that “the only national emergency is that our president is an idiot.” Trump, not one to hold back, has called Coulter a “wacky nut job.”
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Coulter’s on the attack again now as Trump looks to secure the GOP nomination for 2024. What did Trump do now to earn her ire this? It’s a throwback dis, but evergreen. Trump once worked with Kim Kardashian to secure early release for felonious prisoners.
GOP orthodoxy there? Hardly. Sarcastically calling Kardashian a “noted criminologist” is as soft as Coulter goes. In fact her whole response takes the sarcasm route instead of her customary jagged rusty blade approach. Coulter mocks Trump saying he “worked closely with noted criminologist Kim Kardashian to identify and release from prison people who were incarcerated merely for committing serious felonies.”
Almost forgot one of the most important points in making the “positive case for Trump”:
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) February 17, 2023
Worked closely with noted criminologist Kim Kardashian to identify and release from prison people who were incarcerated merely for committing serious felonies.
[Correction: an earlier version of this article stated that Coulter “served as the former president’s ally and adviser.” Coulter was an early ally and supporter but not an official adviser to the former president.}