On Season 13 of Shark Tank, a husband-and-wife duo from Brookhaven, Georgia, Paul Tran and Lynda Truong, reveal their cool and surprising approach to skincare, Love & Pebble. As seen in the video below, their cryotherapy beauty pop ice mask is designed to “shrink your pores, de-puff your face, and tone your skin.” Just mix the mask power with water, pour into the silicone molds and freeze. The shape of the Beauty Pops allow for easy massaging and melting.
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Paul and Lynda have the good fortune of pitching in front of Barbara Corcoran, who knows how to rock a facial mask as seen in the photo below.
New episodes of Shark Tank air Fridays at 8 pm on ABC, right before 20/20 at 9 pm. [BONUS: Stream any ABC show through the ABC GO Digital App found here. Download is FREE.]