The upcoming DC Comics movie The Flash stars Ezra Miller, two former Batman stars Ben Affleck and Michael Keaton, and 25-year-old actress Sasha Calle as Supergirl. (See trailer below.) She is the fourth actress to play Supergirl Helen Slater, Laura Vandervoort and Melissa Benoist — and the first Latina Supergirl ever in the DC Universe!
Deadline reports that Sasha was chosen from more than 400 actresses, and is comparing her discovery to Gal Gadot‘s whose career catapulted after playing Wonder Woman. The Flash will be Sasha’s big screen debut.
When not on set or promoting The Flash, Sasha — who’s known for her role as Lola on the daytime soap opera The Young and the Restless — often poses in front of a camera as seen in the gorgeous tiny string bikini pic below.
The bikini selfie above is with her mom… on the left!
The Flash is scheduled for release in November 2022.