Broadway’s original Cinderella, two-time Tony Award winner Laura Osnes, stars in the new Hallmark Channel movie One Royal Holiday. In her quaint New England town, Anna (Osnes) meets a handsome man named James (Aaron Tveit, Grease) and his mother (Victoria Clark) at the local bakery shop.
When a blizzard disrupts mother and son’s travel plans, Anna suggests that they stay at her family’s inn in Connecticut. There she discovers that they are a Royal family.
Anna’s family inn is the real-life The Inn at Woodstock Hill — a bed and breakfast inn located in Woodstock, Connecticut. Each of its 21 guest rooms comes with a private bath room: six are furnished with four-poster beds, and eight have working gas fireplaces. The Inn, which was built in 1816, sets on 14 acres and includes a fine dining restaurant, is often rented for weddings and receptions.
One Royal Holiday premieres on Hallmark Channel on Saturday, October 31 at 8 pm.