The protagonist of the Lifetime movie Psycho Granny (originally titled Lineage of Lies) is the young, beautiful and pregnant Samantha Kirkpartrick (Brooke Newton, Colby Chandler on All My Children). After losing her mother, “her grief-stricken spirits are lifted with the sudden appearance of Colleen.” Colleen is Samantha’s long-lost grandmother who “swoops in to ease her pain and guide her through the ups and downs of her pregnancy.” A coincidence? Samantha’s husband Brad (Matthew Lawrence) doesn’t think so. But will Samantha heed his warnings before it’s too late?
Colleen is portrayed b Robin Riker. She’s best known for her roles on the daytime soap operas General Hospital (Naomi Dreyfus), The Bold and the Beautiful (Beth Logan), Days of Our Lives (Maureen Lockhart), and on the sitcom The Gregory Hines Show (Nicole Moran), among others. Psycho Granny premieres on Lifetime on Saturday, May 18 at 8 pm. [More Lifetime movies streaming are always available.]