On the Little Big Shots episode “Little Miss Sunshine,” all the talented kids shine on stage including country singer Emi Sunshine and a pair of “human calculators” — Siddhi and Jinansh. Under the Little Big Shots spotlight, Siddhi and Jinansh play a number games against host Steve Harvey. All three stand before a giant screen where big numbers flash quickly. After adding two big numbers correctly, Siddhi says “that was so easy.” Jinansh nails his first equation too. The Little Big Shots producers have fun when it comes time for Harvey to add. They flash 2 + 2. Don’t worry, America, Harvey gets it right.
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Jinansh Dedhia (age 7) and Siddhi Jain (age 6) are members of the Indian team that won the 2016 Turkey Open Championship, the Olympics for Mental Calculations, Memory and Speed Reading. Their coach, Mr. Eusebius Noronha of Mumbai, India is known as the mastermind behind the “Genius Kids.” New episodes of Little Big Shots air Sundays at 8pm on NBC.