In the new drama Shots Fired, an unarmed white teenage college student is killed by a black police officer in a small town in North Carolina. Two detectives (Sanaa Lathan, Stephan James) launch an investigation under the bright lights of the media and amid local social unrest. The governor, Patricia Eamons, tries to use the media to reassure the public that all the rules are being followed to get to the truth. But that’s not an easy job.
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Governor Eamons is portrayed by Oscar-winning actress Helen Hunt. She’s known for her roles in the films Pay It Forward (Arlene), As Good as It Gets (Carol), and Twister (Dr. Jo Harding), and on the TV shows Mad About You (Jamie), St. Elsewhere (Clancy), and Swiss Family Robinson (Helga), among many others. Shots Fired airs Wednesdays at 8pm on FOX.