The new reality TV show 30 Something Grandma follows three women in ths (Patricia, Prudence and Chantel) who have had children during their teenage years, and now their teenage children are having babies. In the series opener ‘Adventures of Prudence,’ Prudence learns that her 15-year-old daughter Candace is pregnant.
Lifetime has a partnership with The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy which consults on the show. According to the organization’s research: “although the teen birth rate in the U.S. has declined dramatically – down more than 45% since 2007 and more than 60% since the early 1990s – the United States still has the highest rates of teen birth of any comparable nation.” The organization also points out that “Nearly half of all pregnancies in the U.S are described by the women themselves as unplanned and more than half (58%) of unintended pregnancies end in a birth. Women who use contraception consistently and correctly account for only 5% of all unintended pregnancies.” 30 Something Grandma airs Tuesdays at 10pm on Lifetime.