Hillary Clinton has been receiving big-time support from both President Obama and First Lady Michelle in her quest for the White House. To keep getting it, she may want to ask her husband to tone down the Obamacare rhetoric just a bit. Former president Bill Clinton stumped for Hill in Flint this week and appealed to those who’ve been on the losing end of the president’s Affordable Care Act (ACA). Clinton acknowledged that while the new deal is good for those low on the income spectrum, the “people who are out there busting it sometimes 60 hours a week wind up with their premiums doubled and their coverage cut in half.” It’s unsustainable, Bill Clinton implied, and Hillary has a plan to fix it.
Clinton wasn’t gentle in his criticism, even saying that people were “getting killed” (financially) under the new system. “The people that are getting killed in this deal are small business people and individuals who make just a little too much to get any of these subsidies.” The Obamas know that Clinton’s stump has lots of truth in it — they’ve acknowledged the ACA could bear some adjustments. And with Donald Trump an untenable choice for the Dems, the Clinton campaign can expect the Obamas’ continued support. But Bill Clinton’s dead aim at Obamacare has got to be hard on the president’s ears.