Controversy-courting culture commenter Keith Olbermann is getting attention for his gimmick naming 176 Reasons Donald Trump Shouldn’t Be President. The gimmick, of course, is how Olbermann randomly chose his number, 176. He could have chosen any number. And while supporters of Trump — the non “deplorables” anyway — have very legitimate gripes with how the government is servicing its citizens, there is little doubt that a change agent more qualified than Donald Trump might have been mustered by the GOP. (At least so says a large portion of the GOP itself.)
176 reasons is clever, but why go so far? One reason stands above the rest as an example of why Trump isn’t the person to carry the banner for America. That reason? Donald Trump makes fun of disabled people. Americans have very different ideas about immigration, gun control, abortion, the NSA, tax reform, globalization, corporate privilege and a whole range of other issues on which disagreement is healthy and inevitable. But all Americans — or at least 99.9% of Americans — understand it is absolutely wrong to mock a disabled person for their disability. It’s beneath everyone’s dignity, showing the worst sort of empathy gap and lack of character. Here is Donald Trump doing it. You can add 175 more reasons if you want, but this should be enough.