The Zika virus is usually transmitted through a mosquito bite; but it has recently been proved that a human carrier of the Zika virus, whether male or female, can infect a partner through sexual intercourse. This carries serious implications. For a pregnant woman, as is now well known, her child could be born with a very small brain (microcephaly). There are also reports Zika can cause Guillain-Barré syndrome, a severe neurologic disease that can result in paralysis. As for its status as an STD, for a male the Zika virus can be carried in sperm for an unknown period, but at least a month. After exposure, a man should abstain or use a condom for at least a few months.
The Zika virus is spreading rapidly throughout Brazil, where the Olympic games will be played in early August. The situation has frightened some athletes, who have decided not to participate. However, this might have been premature, as it has been announced that 450,000 condoms are being provided to the Olympic athletes. This includes 100,000 women’s condoms. There are 10,500 participants, so quick division shows that there are 42 condoms for each person! The games last for 16 days. Three a day? These really are great athletes!