On The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, Kyle Richards and Lisa Vanderpump show their support to friend Yolanda Foster by trying cryotherapy. “It’s one of the fun things I do every week,” says Foster. She explains it as going into a box where it’s below freezing. “You come out like a frozen popsicle.” Cryotherapy is used as a treatment for inflammatory disorders and injuries. Like a jacked-up ice bath. The place where the Real Housewives visit, CryoHealthCare, says it’s the only company in the US to offer single-person Cryosaunas.
Foster can’t believe Richards and Vanderpump arrive wearing their jewels and makeup. “Girls, we’re supposed to get raw and freeze together,” Foster laughs. Watching Lisa Vanderpump get naked and enter the chamber is entertaining. She hits a memorable high note in the Cryosauna. After the experience, Vanderpump says, “What I liked about the whole thing was seeing Yolanda laughing.” Btw, a single treatment is only $65; a package of 3 $175. Real Housewives of Beverly Hills airs Tuesdays at 9pm on Bravo.