The TV movie A Christmas Truce is set in December 1944. During a holiday truce amid the Battle of the Bulge (the German offensive campaign in Belgium, France and Luxembourg that caught the Allied forces off guard) an American solider named Captain John Myers (Craig Olejnik) falls in love with a Belgian woman named Alina. Before Myers gets called back to the fighting line, they vow to reunite on the first Christmas after the war ends.
[Who Is American Solider Captain John Myers In ‘A Christmas Truce’?]
Alina is portrayed by Ali Liebert. The Canadian-born actress has appeared on many American TV shows including The L Word, Psych, and Kyle XY (Jackie). She’s best known for her roles on Strange Empire (Fiona Briggs), Bomb Girls (Betty McRae) and Harper’s Island (Nikki Bolton). Liebert most recently appeared in The Unauthorized Full House Story TV movie as Gay Saget, Bob’s sister who died at the age of 47 of scleroderma. A Christmas Truce premieres on ION on December 12 at 9pm.