Bill O’Reilly thinks Donald Trump needs a fact checker. And until Trump gets one, O’Reilly is doing a little volunteer work. As the two spoke to (at? over?) one another on O’Reilly’s Fox News show, Trump was on the defensive over a retweet O’Reilly thought was irresponsible.
Trump had retweeted the “fact” that “whites are killed by blacks at a rate of 81%” according to O’Reilly’s accusation. O’Reilly corrected Trump by saying the percentage of “whites killed by blacks was 15%.” Trump responded that he didn’t tweet it. It was “just a retweet.” The retweet argument — offered to prove a lack of ownership on the false claim — Trump offered repeatedly. He did not address the idea that retweets are widely considered endorsements of the retweeted opinion. O’Reilly wouldn’t let it go at that. “You’re a presidential contender,” he said to Trump. “You’ve got to check.” Trump hasn’t removed the retweet.
“@SeanSean252: @WayneDupreeShow @Rockprincess818 @CheriJacobus“
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 22, 2015