Donald Trump was once a major backer of Hillary Clinton. The billionaire and leading GOP presidential candidate gave money and endorsed Hillary for her New York senate run — and repeatedly called her “terrific.” Trump changed his mind, of course, and Trump’s current backers fall largely into the Hillary haters camp. But the Trump crowd that loves his pugnacious style — what they see as his no BS approach, his vitriol and threatening rhetoric — should actually like the latest Hillary Clinton anecdote making the Washington rounds.
A controversial new book by beltway insider Ed Klein called Unlikeable: The Problem with Hillary exposes the former First Lady as an intramural brawler, not above shouting at the President. Whether or not the account — which many find fanciful — of Clinton telling Barack Obama in the Oval Office to “call off your f-ing dogs” is true, the story fits a reputation Clinton has tried hard to both embrace and play down at once. Hillary Clinton is tough, and she will threaten strongly to protect her interests — that’s a good quality in a commander-in-chief. But she also needs soccer mom votes — women who bake cookies. Those moms are tough too, and probably don’t mind Hillary’s alleged outburst one bit. That style of punching, threatening, draw-the-line (build a wall?) politics is obviously working for Donald Trump.