Recently released thriller The Gift stars Jason Bateman as a married man, Simon. He and his wife Robyn (Rebecca Hall) run into an old acquaintance of Simon’s, Gordo. Simon doesn’t recognize Gordo at first but then little by little, Gordo starts reminding Simon of their past with uninvited encounters and mysterious gifts. Gordo reveals a horrifying secret about Simon and scares the life out of Robyn.
Gordo is portrayed by The Gift‘s director, Australian actor Joel Edgerton. He’s best known for his role as Uncle Owen Lars in Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones and Star Wars: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. And for his role as Tom Buchanan in The Great Gatsby with Leo DiCaprio. You can see him next in Black Mass, the biopic about Boston’s notorious gangster Whitey Bulger. Edgerton plays John Connolly, FBI contact and childhood friend of Bulger (Johnny Depp). Black Mass will be in theatres in September 2015.