Manchester, England is united in its desire to rid its roads of potholes–but only one man is volunteering his services to identify them in a way they won’t be missed. That man is “Wanksy”–who paints penis-like shapes around the dangerous holes in order to warn alert drivers and cyclists, assist road crews, and–let’s face it–have a little fun.
The anonymous Wanksy, whose name is a play on famous anonymous graffiti artist Banksy, told the Manchester Evening News that he “wanted to attract attention to the potholes…(and) nothing seemed to do this better than a giant comedy phallus.” Manchester, despite being united about fixing its pothole problem, is hardly united about Wanksy’s solution. It’s ugly–even an artist must admit–and what parent wants to explain to their children why there’s a giant penis painted on the road? It’s an especially painful conversation to have when you’re on your way to the mechanic to get your alignment fixed.