Laverne Cox of Orange Is the New Black co-hosted The View today with Whoopi Goldberg, Rosie O’Donnell and Rosie Perez. When the conversation turned to racism, Whoopi Goldberg and Laverne Cox argued about the definition of racism while Rosie O’Donell and Rosie Perez said “you don’t have to be black to know what racism is.”
Viewers of The View aired their opinions on Twitter, and the majority wants Laverne to replace Whoopi. Pancakie wrote: “Whoopi might as well have just told Laverne Cox, I’m blacker than you by playing the I’ve been black for 60 years card.” Fan Angelica Ross wrote: “I think @WhoopiGoldberg has lost touch with the understanding of racism, sound like Barkley, @Lavernecox educate @TheView huntee!” And Wade Davis II, wrote: “Whoopi Goldberg belives if racism isn’t overt like donaldsterling then it doesn’t exist. “Class” is the problem here.”