You may remember the Seinfeld episode where George gets in a bit of trouble for peeing in the shower at the health club. Confronted, he claims he had to–that the “medical books” warn against holding back urination. “Do the medical books say anything about standing in a pool of someone else’s urine?” Jerry asks, incredulous.
But the world may be swinging George’s way after all. Two students at England’s University of East Anglia are proposing that peeing in the shower would save huge amounts of water–and have a large beneficial effect on the environment. In a Costanza-like effort to “challenge conventional behavior,” students Debs Torr and Chris Dobson are out to change people’s minds–and maybe rewrite Seinfeld’s medical books. According to the BBC, the students estimate that if everyone at the university (15,000 students) peed in the shower once a day they could “save enough water to fill an Olympic-sized swimming pool 26 times.” Imagine if everyone did it, they ask.