Lewis Black has the gravelly voice to match the world he talks about, full of pitfalls and potholes, injustice and absurdity. He’s a massive talent who–despite a great run on Jon Stewart’s Daily Show–is really too incendiary for a sweet Thursday night sitcom. That’s where other professional funny people with Lewis Black’s kind of talent sometimes end up, but not him. Black is one of those performers that makes you thank your lucky stars for the Internet, a place where Lewis Black can rip into what he sees out there and not be bothered by censors or something called primetime.
In the video below he defends teachers. You wouldn’t think teachers would need defending–this army of people who want nothing more than to end their days having educated the population and given children a chance. But in this society teachers are sometimes painted with the twisted brush of politics. Here Lewis Black, answering an audience member who asked him to say something nice about teachers, straightens out the brush once and for all. At least it should be once and for all. Hey, profanity ensues. NSFW.