The path of spiritual realization is no longer solely the domain of the yogi who sits in a lonely cave in the Himalayas, or the monk who lives an utterly spotless life behind monastery walls. In my own case — and in spite of my many missteps — I have experienced some of those revelations that I once thought were only available to the spiritual recluse. I know now that Divinity is available to anyone who desires it — and Divinity is closer than you can possibly imagine. I am an ordinary guy who has had some extraordinary glimpses of the Reality that is hidden behind the mundane world, accessing that which is available to anyone.
My journey led me from my hometown in the United States to Asia to live with spiritual masters, and to have some of the mystical moments I had previously only read about. After many years, I finally discovered that what I was looking for on the spiritual path was hiding in the last place I thought to look. I offer you this story of my search to inspire, caution, and entertain you as you pursue your own unique avenue of awakening.
–Michael Dales, The Last Teacher: Saints, Demons and Self-Discovery on the Spiritual Path
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