Tannis Jex-Blake, a mother of five, earned her body and she’s proud of it. Heading to the beach for her “first attempt at sun tanning in a bikini in public in 13 years,” she encountered a couple of guys and a girl who didn’t appreciate her well-earned mom-made stretch marks. Within earshot the threesome talked about how they were “grossed out” by her belly. Jex-Blake wrote an open letter on Facebook to the three telling them just what they needed to know–that though she “held her head high” as they mocked her, “she cried in the car on the drive home.” And that they were absolutely wrong.
“It’s people like you who make this world an ugly hateful place,” she wrote–and to the guys “I feel sorry for the women who will bear your children and become ‘gross’ in your eyes as their bodies change.” HOT 107 in Edmonton helped the “shamed mom” letter go viral, with more than a million likes. Her body is beautiful from doing things it was designed to do. People all over the world are inspired.